
Why Is a Torque Converter So Essential to Your Automatic Transmission?


Did you know that your car's transmission relies on a strange, fluid-filled donut? While you probably shouldn't think about eating your torque converter or what's inside of it, the typical modern example certainly does look like a donut. This unusual component plays a critical role in the operation of automatic transmissions, and it's also a common failure point. Automatic transmissions are sophisticated enough to require several complete courses to explain their operation, but it's helpful to know a few details.

23 September 2021

How To Get Semi-Truck Repair Service


In the United States, truck repairs make up a $12.1 billion market. It's only right that this field thrives the way it does since there are so many commercial truck drivers that earn a living making deliveries each week. If you drive trucks, you can't afford to hit the road without having every part taken care of with the help of a quality semi-truck repair expert. In this article, you can start to learn more about getting the semi-truck repairs you need in a timely and thorough fashion.

25 August 2021

Is Your DPF Filter In Need Of Replacement? What You Should Know


Your diesel engine relies on a diesel particulate filter (DPF) to keep your engine's exhaust emissions under better control. A diesel particulate filter eliminates soot and similar residue from the exhaust as it passes through the filter. Unfortunately, that filter can become clogged over time. DPF units go through a process of regeneration either when the car is running on the highway for an extended period or during a forced regeneration if the car isn't driven on the highway often enough.

19 July 2021

Reasons Why You Might Need A Bonded Title


A bonded title is usually used in the absence of the regular car title. In many cases, individuals get these titles if they need to do car registration, dispose of, or take an insurance cover for their vehicles. Below are some situations where a bonded title comes in handy. If You Got the Bill of Sale Only If you got your car through gifting, or you purchased it and only got a bill of sale, you are therefore qualified for a bonded title so that you can sign for the vehicle's title rights.

9 June 2021

What To Know About New Tire Warranties And Guarantees


If you need to purchase new tires for your vehicle, you likely have questions about what kind of warranty will come with it. There are manufacturer warranties that come with every tire and even additional road hazard protection that you can purchase. Here is what you need to know about tire warranties  Buy-and-Try Warranties Many major tire brands are offering try-and-buy warranties, which allow you to return the tires for either an exchange or a full warranty if you are not happy with them.

19 May 2020

Taking A Holiday Road Trip? 4 Problems You Face If You Travel With Transmission Troubles


If you're planning your holiday road trip and your car has been experiencing transmission problems, you need to see your mechanic right away. It's never a good idea to embark on a road trip when your car is experiencing transmission troubles; even minor ones. You might not realize this, but even minor transmission problems can cause serious headaches during a road trip. Here are just four problems you could experience if you don't have those transmission issues repaired prior to your road trip.

13 December 2019

What You Should Know About Car Repair


Today's cars are built to be reliable. Typically they can go for miles without any major repairs. However, even the best-built vehicles will eventually need repairs. Whether you have been in an accident or if certain components are starting to wear out, automotive repair services are something that you may find yourself in need of in the future. When it comes to automotive repair, there are a few things that you should know.

14 November 2019

How To Confidently Hire Event Valet Parking


Event valet parking is often critical to putting together a function. The issue of finding a company that does top-tier event valet parking management, though, can be a challenge. You probably don't need these sorts of services all the time, and it can be hard to look at providers and feel confident that you can make an apples-to-apples comparison. Let's take a look at three things you can do to feel more confident about the process.

2 October 2019

4 Signs Your Transmission Needs Service


One thing you don't want going bad on your car is your transmission. When the transmission needs to be replaced, sometimes, it's better just to scrap the car and buy something different. You see, transmission replacement isn't cheap and it isn't a project that most at-home mechanics can do on their own. So, to protect your car's transmission, know the signs that there's something that needs repaired or serviced to prevent complete destruction of the transmission.

23 July 2019

3 Important Actions To Take When Buying A Pre-Owned Vehicle


If you're in the market for a new vehicle but don't have a huge budget, pre-owned may be the best option. These vehicles have been used, and as such, won't cost as much as a new vehicle. To ensure you walk away completely satisfied with this automotive purchase, take the following steps.  Identify a Purpose Since there are so many pre-owned vehicles you can purchase today on the market, it helps to identify a purpose for this purchase.

24 June 2019